Window functions GROUPS frame





The GROUPS frame enables you to get running totals over the previous N sort values in window functions.

This in addition to the existing ROWS and RANGE frames. The differences between these are:

  • ROWS :N PRECEDING - include the current row and up to N rows before it

  • RANGE :N PRECEDING - include all rows between current - N and current; current is the value of the ORDER BY column for the row the function is processing

  • GROUPS :N PRECEDING - include all rows with the same value and previous N unique values for the columns in the window’s ORDER BY

alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY';

select hire_date
    -- include current & three previous rows
  , count(*) over ( order by hire_date rows 3 preceding ) prev3_rows
    -- include all rows between hire_date - 3 and hire_date for the current row
  , count(*) over ( order by hire_date range 3 preceding ) prev3_days
    -- include all rows with the any of the previous three and current hire_dates
  , count(*) over ( order by hire_date groups 3 preceding ) prev3_values
from   hr.employees
where  hire_date >= date'2015-03-03'
fetch first 5 rows only;
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY';

Session altered.

SQL> select hire_date
  2      -- include current & three previous rows
  3    , count(*) over ( order by hire_date rows 3 preceding ) prev3_rows
  4      -- include all rows between hire_date - 3 and hire_date for the current row
  5    , count(*) over ( order by hire_date range 3 preceding ) prev3_days
  6      -- include all rows with the any of the previous three and current hire_dates
  7    , count(*) over ( order by hire_date groups 3 preceding ) prev3_values
  8  from   hr.employees
  9  where  hire_date >= date'2015-03-03'
 10  fetch first 5 rows only;

----------- ---------- ---------- ------------
03-MAR-2015          1          1            1
10-MAR-2015          2          2            3
10-MAR-2015          3          2            3
11-MAR-2015          4          3            4
19-MAR-2015          4          1            5


The GROUPS frame simplifies SQL statements that need to calculate running totals over the previous N unique values.

Further information