WINDOW clause
clause enables you to define PARTITION BY
, and window frames for analytic functions. You can use these named windows in the OVER
clause of functions in the SELECT
alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY';
select employee_id,
department_id, salary,
-- these calculate totals per department
count (*) over ( dept_w ) emps_per_dept,
sum ( salary ) over ( dept_w ) wages_per_dept,
-- this gets the running total of salaries/dept in order they were hired
sum ( salary ) over ( hired_w ) cumul_sal,
-- this gets the moving average of salaries for the last four hires/dept
round ( avg ( salary ) over last_four ) rolling_mean
from hr.employees
where department_id < 50
window dept_w as (
-- split by department
partition by department_id
), hired_w as (
-- sort by date hired
dept_w order by hire_date
), last_four as (
-- include the previous three rows & current
hired_w rows 3 preceding
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY';
Session altered.
SQL> select employee_id,
2 department_id, salary,
3 -- these calculate totals per department
4 count (*) over ( dept_w ) emps_per_dept,
5 sum ( salary ) over ( dept_w ) wages_per_dept,
6 hire_date,
7 -- this gets the running total of salaries/dept in order they were hired
8 sum ( salary ) over ( hired_w ) cumul_sal,
9 -- this gets the moving average of salaries for the last four hires/dept
10 round ( avg ( salary ) over last_four ) rolling_mean
11 from hr.employees
12 where department_id < 50
13 window dept_w as (
14 -- split by department
15 partition by department_id
16 ), hired_w as (
17 -- sort by date hired
18 dept_w order by hire_date
19 ), last_four as (
20 -- include the previous three rows & current
21 hired_w rows 3 preceding
22 );
----------- ------------- ---------- ------------- -------------- ----------- ---------- ------------
200 10 4400 1 4400 17-SEP-2013 4400 4400
201 20 13000 2 19000 17-FEB-2014 13000 13000
202 20 6000 2 19000 17-AUG-2015 19000 9500
114 30 11000 6 24900 07-DEC-2012 11000 11000
115 30 3100 6 24900 18-MAY-2013 14100 7050
117 30 2800 6 24900 24-JUL-2015 16900 5633
116 30 2900 6 24900 24-DEC-2015 19800 4950
118 30 2600 6 24900 15-NOV-2016 22400 2850
119 30 2500 6 24900 10-AUG-2017 24900 2700
203 40 6500 1 6500 07-JUN-2012 6500 6500
10 rows selected.
clause enables you to define common windows once and reuse them in a statement. This makes queries easier to maintain.